Regional Women’s Services & Pediatrics

Our clinics offer a variety of medical, referral and counseling services for women. These services include pregnancy testing, family planning, prenatal care, dysplasia and breast and cervical cancer screening.  Through several available funding sources eligible women may receive services at no fee, or at a reduced fee, based on family income and size.

  • Pregnancy Tests

    We offer urine pregnancy testing. Our pregnancy tests can detect a positive result in just 7-10 days after conception.

  • Family Planning

    Family planning services help individuals determine the number and spacing of their children. Family planning promotes positive birth outcomes and healthy families. The RMCHP offers a variety of family planning related medical, educational and counseling services.

    Family Planning services offered by the RMCHP include the following:

    • Comprehensive health assessment for both males and females, including medical history and physical examination
    • Routine and problem-related medical follow-up visits
    • Contraceptive supply visits
    • Laboratory testing, including Pap smears, sexually transmitted infections (STI) tests, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) tests, urine tests, and screening for diabetes and anemia
    • Treatments of STIs and common genitourinary infections
    • Preconception counseling to support healthy outcomes of future pregnancies
    • Pregnancy testing
    • Provision of FDA-approved contraception methods
  • Prenatal Care


    The goal of prenatal care in the Regional Women’s Services and Pediatrics is a healthy baby, a healthy mother and a healthy family. We encourage our patients and their families to participate in planning for the birth of their child. Birth Planning has been shown to be instrumental in fostering healthy family relationships and establishing bonds between the baby, mother, spouse/significant other, and other family members.

    Pregnancy Tests

    We offer urine pregnancy testing. Our pregnancy tests can detect a positive result in just 7-10 days after conception

    Prenatal care at UTMB Regional Women’s Services and Pediatrics clinics includes the following services:

    • Comprehensive health history
    • Physical Exam
    • Screening for diabetes, sexually transmitted infection, high blood pressure and other medical problems
    • Lab Work
    • Prescriptions
    • Ultrasound
    • Prenatal Education
    • Consultation with a specialist if needed
    • Delivery at UTMB
    • Follow up care of mother and infant after birth

    Why Should I Have My Baby At UTMB?

    1. You will be considered a UTMB patient throughout your entire pregnancy. Even though there may be a hospital more conveniently located to your home, UTMB is ready and waiting to take care of you.
    2. Bilingual staff is available 24 hours a day/ 7days a week.
    3. UTMB has highly qualified; specialized physicians, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to meet your needs for anesthesia. Epidurals are available around the clock.
    4. Certified nurse midwives are available to care for women with normal pregnancies.
    5. Highly trained specialists and specialized equipment are always, immediately available at UTMB, should you or your baby experience complications.
    6. At UTMB, tubal ligation is available to you the same day or the day after you deliver your baby. This service is not offered at all hospitals.
    7. Follow-up appointments are made for you and your baby BEFORE you leave the hospital.
    8. You are not a "drop-in" patient at UTMB Regional Women’s Services and Pediatrics; you are OUR patient throughout your pregnancy. We WANT to take care of you at UTMB.


  • Certified Nurse Midwives

    Certified nurse midwives (CNMs) have been providing women’s health care and gynecological services through the UTMB Health’s Regional Women’s Services and Pediatrics for over 20 years. While nurse midwives are well known for working along-side women desiring natural or low intervention approaches to pregnancy and delivery, they are also skilled at providing a wide range of obstetric, gynecologic, and family planning services using a patient-centered approach to care. UTMB Health certified nurse midwives have the ability to perform lab work, order ultrasounds, provide pain relief in labor, prescribe contraception, and treat minor gynecological issues. Our nurse midwives understand that women have a choice in their care and work hard to provide both clinic and delivery services in a respectful and meaningful way to all the women we serve.

    Each certified nurse midwife is a Texas licensed advanced practice nurse with graduate level training in women’s health and obstetrical care. While some midwives work at home or a birth center, the UTMB nurse midwives provide care at our Regional Women’s Services and Pediatrics clinics and deliver babies at John Sealy Hospital in Galveston. This arrangement allows the nurse midwives to work closely with obstetricians, gynecologists, maternal fetal medicine specialists, pediatricians, and neonatologists to ensure patients have access to the highest level of care if necessary.

    Certified nurse midwives at UTMB Health are located in our clinics in Pasadena, Texas City, Dickinson, Beaumont, and Galveston. To schedule an appointment at a location convenient for you, please call our Galveston clinic at (409) 747-4952.

    For specific questions or more information about our midwifery services, please e-mail:

  • Dysplasia

    Regional Women’s Services and Pediatrics offers services for screening and treatment of cervical dysplasia. 

    Dysplasia is a term used to describe the appearance of abnormal cells on the cervix. These abnormal cells are normally first detected by a pap smear. Familiar to most women, Pap smear tests are normally a part of the annual well-woman visit.

    While dysplasia is not cancer it can develop into cancer of the cervix. Cervical dysplasia does not cause symptoms, and varies in severity; therefore regular screening and early diagnosis are essential to prevent cancer. There are many ways to treat dysplasia, depending on a variety of factors, such as its severity, age of the patient and the presence of any other problems. Regional Women’s Services and Pediatrics provides pap smear testing, and if necessary, diagnosis and treatment of dysplasia. 

  • Children's Services

    Regional Women’s Services and Pediatrics is committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate health care to children and their families. Our team is experienced in caring for the health needs of children, from providing outstanding well-child services to treating minor illnesses. In addition, we consider patient education to be a critical part of our excellent patient care. We encourage patients and their families to ask questions and learn more about their health.

    Children's services offered by Regional Women’s Services and Pediatrics include the following:

    • Regular well-child checkups and office visits
    • Vision and hearing screenings
    • Lab tests
    • Lead screening
    • Child Safety Education
    • Prescriptions to help your child stay well or get well when they are sick
    • Immunizations


  • Breast and Cervical Cancer Care
    For women 50 years old and above Regional Women’s Services and Pediatrics provides annual breast and pelvic examinations, mammograms and Pap smears. If an abnormality is detected, the patient is referred for further testing and treatment through the Obstetrics/Gynecology or Surgery Departments of UTMB.

    Regional Women’s Services and Pediatrics patients are treated by breast and cervical cancer specialists using state of the art diagnostic methods and equipment.  Treatments for breast cancer include conserving the breast using the most recent advances in radiation and chemotherapy. Treatment options for cervical dysplasia vary depending on the severity of the condition and the age of the woman. Patients receive follow up care, as needed, in the Regional Maternal and Child Health Clinic.

    UTMB has participated in the BCCS program since 1991. This program is funded through the Centers for Disease Control and the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and provides breast and cervical screening and diagnostic services to eligible women living in Texas. These services help women receive regular screening, which is the best method to prevent and detect breast or cervical cancer in its earliest stages increasing a women’s chance of survival.

    You may qualify for free or low-cost breast or cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services if you:

    • Live in Texas and
    • Do not have health insurance and
    • Are age 18 or over and
    • Have income up to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level

    Low-income, uninsured women diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer who are in need of treatment may qualify for medical assistance through Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer (MBCC). The Texas Department of State Health Services Breast and Cervical Cancer Services (BCCS) program determines eligibility criteria for MBCC.

    You may qualify for Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer (MBCC) if you:

    • Have been diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer; and
    • Need treatment for a breast or cervical cancer; and
    • Live in Texas; and
    • Are a U.S. citizen or eligible immigrant; and
    • Are age 18-64 years; and
    • Do not have health insurance; and
    • Have income up to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level

    For more information on breast and cervical cancer services in Texas click the following link:  Texas DSHS Breast and Cervical Cancer Program

    Susan G. Komen Houston®

    What began in 1982 as a promise from one sister to another to do everything possible to end breast cancer forever, has turned into a global movement in the fight against breast cancer. Susan G. Komen Houston® along with the other Komen affiliates have raised and invested almost $2 billion towards that promise. Through funding research, community outreach and advocacy programs Komen has made an impact in over 50 countries. UTMB participates in and raises funds for Susan G. Komen Houston®. This year’s race will be held on Saturday October 31, 2015 along Allen Parkway in downtown Houston

    UTMB has received funding from Susan G. Komen Houston since 2005. The funds allow us to offer breast cancer education, screening mammograms, diagnostic services and patient navigation to women who qualify for our Komen Complete Care Program. The program is an integral part of the Cancer Center and Komen partnership to assist financially eligible, uninsured women living in Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Liberty or Montgomery Counties with breast screening, diagnosis, treatment and support.

  • Men's Family Planning Services

    Men's Family PlanningRegional Women’s Services and Pediatrics also offer diagnosis, treatment and education about sexually transmitted infections and family planning services for men.

    Family planning services help individuals determine the number and spacing of their children. Family planning promotes positive birth outcomes and healthy families. Regional Women’s Services and Pediatrics offers a variety of family planning related medical, educational and counseling services.

    We offer men a variety of medical, educational and counseling services, including:

    • Comprehensive health assessment including medical history and physical examination
    • Routine medical follow-up visits
    • Contraceptive supply visits
    • Laboratory testing, including sexually transmitted diseases (STI) tests, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) tests
    • Treatments of STIs and common genitourinary infections

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The UTMB Health Regional Women’s Services & Pediatrics clinics are an iteration of what’s more formally known as the Regional Maternal & Child Health Program.
Read more about enhancements to the program and the program’s evolution in this blog.