Family Medicine

End-of-Life Planning Information

What would happen if you were in a car wreck and couldn't speak for yourself?
What if you were seriously ill and needed someone to make medical decisions for you?
What if you or a family member didn't want to be resuscitated from a massive heart attack?


Advance directives allow you to plan and make decisions NOW about your health care decisions or end-of-life wishes. This is especially important in the event something happens to you and you are unable to communicate these wishes for yourself.

We encourage you to talk to your family and your healthcare providers whenever you are ready.

In the meantime, here are some brochures* that may answer questions you may have or give you and or your caretakers guidance.

Below is a list of handy forms* recommended to have on file. It is important for everyone in the family to have Advance Directives in order.

* Brochures and Forms from Texas Department of Health and Human Services

I've filled out the forms, now what?
  • Your directives are very important legal documents. Keep your original signed copy in a secure place. Make sure your family or caregiver knows where they are kept and can get to them if needed.
  • Please give a copy of the signed original documents to anyone who might be involved in your health care. This may include family, friends, pastor, caregiver or primary care provider. If you enter a nursing home or hospital, have photocopies of the documents placed in your medical records. Be sure to discuss your wishes with these individuals at this time. Discuss these wishes often, particularly if your condition changes or worsens.
  • Ask your primary care provider to save a copy of your directives into your electronic medical record so they may be accessed by anyone providing care to you in the future.
  • You may make changes to your wishes at any time. Please be sure to resign and date your documents then redistribute to all who have the original copies.

It is important to note that you may revoke your documents either verbally or in writing at any time.

  • Also be advised that your directives will not be effective in the event of a medical emergency. Ambulance and hospital emergency staff are required to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) unless they are given a separate directive that states otherwise. These directives called "DO-NOT-RESUSCITATE ORDERS" (DNRs) are designed for people whose poor health gives them little chance of benefiting from CPR. A DNR instructs ambulance and hospital emergency staff to not attempt CPR if your heart stops or you are not breathing.

Note:The above provided forms and information is not a substitute for professional legal advice. While UTMB Health Family Medicine makes every effort to keep forms and links up-to-date, changes in Texas law can affect how the form will operate in the event you lose the ability to make decisions for yourself. If you have any questions about how the form will help ensure your wishes are carried out, or if your wishes do not seem to align with these forms, you may wish to talk with your health care provider or an attorney with experience in completing advance directives.

  • Appointments
    For appointments please call the clinic phone number or visit our  appointment page. When you schedule your appointment, please be ready to provide your insurance information. Also, please try to arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time to help avoid delays. Payment of any co-pay is due prior to initiation of the visit. If you are running late to an appointment, please call us, as we may be able to find another appointment time on the same day. Following these steps helps us to ensure that you are seen in a timely and effective manner.
  • After Hours Care
    UTMB Health offers a number of sites with extended hours and urgent care on evening and weekends, as well as four emergency rooms. If you need assistance after hours, please call the Access Center at (409) 772-2222 or toll free at (800) 917-8906. If you have a medical emergency,  please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
  • Lab Results
    We want you to be aware of all results of labs/tests done through our office, and it is our practice to communicate those results to you. It generally takes one to two weeks for us to receive the results and have the physician review them. Once the physician reviews your lab/test results he or she will notify you by mail, phone or at the time of your next follow-up appointment.
  • MyChart
    ask us about logging on!
    UTMB Health offers patients MyChart – an alternative and convenient way to schedule appointments, refill prescriptions, receive lab and
    test results, and much more – all electronically. MyChart is as simple as logging on to the internet. Get more information on MyChart.
  • Patient Feedback
    As a result of your visit to our clinic, you may be randomly selected to receive a Medical Practice Survey in the mail. If you do receive one of these surveys, we would appreciate it if you completed the form and returned it using the self addressed envelope. The postage is free, the survey is quick and easy. Our goal is to exceed your expectations and to always provide you great service. Use the survey to let us know how we're doing.
  • Prescription Refills
    If you need a refill of a prescription, please call your pharmacy first. Many of the pharmacies now have an online refill request, which is sent directly to our office. This allows us to process your refill more efficiently. Prescriptions are not processed after hours, so please allow 48 business hours from the time of your request to the time it is filled. Medications that require prior authorization from your insurance company may take up to one week.

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